No classwork for a week, so I'm enjoying some time listening to Pandora and surfing all over. Started off with looking at the Raider Forum at MyBikeForums, which lead me to a site called MotoWhere. Very groovy site, it is. I was able to map out some of the rides I've done, and look at some other ones that folks have posted.
The Maryland rides can be found here and Pennsylvania rides here. Fellow Keystone Staters need to get on the ball! Hey Dave - here's the Florida rides. There's plenty to choose from.
Also found a Facebook group called "Fort Meade and surrounding areas Motorcycle Riders". If you're a rider in the area - and on Facebook - look it up. Doesn't look like the group's been around long; only 10 members. But hey - gotta start somewhere. Thinking about starting a Facebook for the CMA (Christian Motorcyclists Association) chapter I'm a member of, Bayside Believers. Hopefully I can get that kicked off soon, before classes start again in a week.